
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Author Vicki Grant to visit PRHS

Vicki Grant, author of popular book "I.D." and several others at the PRHS library, will be visiting the grade 7 and 8 classes at the high school tomorrow, May 28th. We're really excited to have her visit as her books are some of the most popular of the Orca Soundings series, which is a series of books that is widely read in the school. We are looking forward to meeting her!

NASA's Phoenix Lander parachutes to Mars surface

That is a photograph of the Phoenix Mars Lander taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter as the Lander parachuted down to the surface of Mars. I watched part of the live coverage of the landing on CNN on Sunday night and it was pretty exciting! It's hard to imagine spending years working on a project like the Phoenix Lander, launching it into space, waiting months and months for it to get to where it's supposed to be, and then crossing your fingers and hoping it lands safely 400 million miles away.

You can see more images taken by Phoenix and learn about how it works on the NASA site.

Also, the Discovery space shuttle is launching on Saturday, May 31st, at about 6pm Atlantic time.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

City of Ember trailer

A movie version of The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau is coming out in October, and you can now watch the trailer. It looks like it'll be quite good!

Friday, May 16, 2008

PRHS Library toolbar

Last weekend (May 9-10) I attended the Atlantic Provinces Library Association (APLA) annual conference in Charlottetown, PEI. One of the many excellent sessions I attended was entitled "Top Tech Tools" which involved 8 library staff members from different institutions do a quick 5-minute overviews of their favourite new technological tool. One of the presenters spoke about Conduit library toolbars and it really piqued my interest, so one of the first things I did when I got back to work was make my own toolbar.


It's a little small to see, but the toolbar gives users a quick link to the library catalogue, RSS feeds of new books in the library and new links, and links to other useful tools. You can look at the PRHS Library toolbar in more detail here and start creating your own here.

Leave a comment and let me know what you think!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Lifelong literacy ads

I discovered these ads created by the Ad Council, Walt Disney Studios and Brigham Young University the other day and thought I'd share.

Click here or on the video screen to link to the ads.